Granada and the Alhambra

Granada and the Alhambra are the next stop in our series of articles on Spanish tourist destinations to explore near Javea.

The Alhambra in Murcia, which can be reached in just three hours from Torrevieja, is one historical site in the Andaluz region that you must unquestionably see.

In the Spanish region of Andalusia, the Alhambra is a collection of palaces and fortifications. The construction of this palace, which was first begun in 1238 by the first Nasrid Emir and creator of the Emirate of Granada, is one of the most well-known examples of Islamic architecture and one of the best-preserved examples of a palace from the era.

Patatas a lo Probre (Poor Man's Potatoes), Migas (Potatoes with Meat), and Albóndigas (Meat Balls). are only a few of the region's famous traditional foods 

When you have seen the Alhambra, you may drive up to the ski slopes and spend an afternoon on the slopes thanks to this area's proximity to the Sierra Nevada.

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