Spain in the Top 10 - Work Life Balance

Those who are looking to improve their work-life balance, then working remotely, or retiring, need to look no further than Spain. In a recent report from "Remote" Spain scored 78.63 only second to Luxembourg. in the list of top 10 countries in Europe that offer the best life-work balance, but as Spain is such a big country where is the best place in Spain?

Valencia and the Costa Blanca appeal as a top option for purchasing a property in Europe, given their excellent transport network, and tech infrastructure, making it a prime location to purchase a home in Spain. 


"Spain has a strong business culture geared towards putting home life before work when it counts. The nation has a universal government-funded healthcare system, as well as a significant minimum wage (the equivalent of $9.02/hr). This is particularly impressive given that Spain has a far larger population compared to other countries in the top 10. 

Home of Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, and delightful tapas, Spain is an artful country that rewards the creative spirit. The nation has the world’s 14th largest economy by nominal GDP, as well as booming energy and tourism industries to ply your trade"

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